Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

Fraternal Lodges & Orders of Alda & Cairo

This page is about the various fraternals, organizations and societies of Hall County, Nebraska.

Fraternal Lodges of Alda & Cairo

Alda maintains A. O. U. W. and M. W. A. lodges. Cairo has the A. O. U. W., M. W. A., and I. O. O. F. There has been a successful M. W. A. lodge in Cameron township. This lodge was chartered February 1, 1896, the charter members being: A. W. Benton, Jessie Boering, Orin Bryan, John Ellis, M. Graham, John Hopper, Walter Smith, August Wieth, Charles Morton, Ed Orndorf.

The present officers are : C. J. Carter, consul, W. J. Porter, clerk, Wm. Cartensen, banker.


Information prepared by Mrs. C. G. Ryan

The St. Cecilia Society was organized in June, 1885, and except for a period of a few years of inactivity has been one of the fore most organizations of Grand Island. The first meeting place was the residence of Mrs. Maria Fisher and the charter members were: Mesdames R. J. Barr, W. E. Robinson, Hilliker, Fisher, Renard, Misses Emma and Margaret Howard and Ida Heffleman. To this original list were added the names of Mrs. W. H. Geddes, Mrs. H. H. Glover, Miss Lucy Hay wood, Mesdames S. D. Ross, J. H. Storms, O. B. Thompson, D. H. Vantine, Chas. Wiebe, J. H. Wooley, Misses Murphy, Ada and May Castiday, May Hurford, and others.

From its early beginnings to the present time the membership, which has grown to an active list of thirty and an unlimited associate membership, has included the women most interested in promoting the musical culture of the community. The presidents since 1901 have been: Mrs. H. H. Glover, Mrs. L. A. Arthur, Mrs. C. G. Ryan, Mrs. R. J. Barr, Mrs. S. D. Ross, Miss Jane L. Pinder, Mrs. Victor Anderson, Miss Harriett L. Norris, Mrs. Edward Ewel, Mrs. W. A. Prince, Mrs. H. R. Hatfield, Mrs. E. S. Dungan, Mrs. R. R. Riese, Mrs. Thos. Connor. For the period of the past two years—1917-18 to 1918-19—the club has been inactive, owing to the fact that the members have been busy in war work, until its recent affiliation with the Woman's Club.

The St. Cecilia Society is a member of the National Federation of Musical Clubs and has followed out many interesting courses of study. The principal work for the past few years has been the bringing of distinguished musical artists to Grand Island and the man agement of a yearly festival of music which quite matches those of cities much larger. At these festivals and at other concerts given during the year the following artists and organizations have been brought to Grand Island: Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, Emil Oberhoffer, conductor, New York Sym phony Orchestra, Walter Damrosch, conduc tor, Josef Hofmann, Efrem Zimbalist, Arthur Middleton, James Goddard. Pavley-Oukrainsky Ballet, Oscar Seagle and others.

The financial affairs of the club have always been successfully handled. The society owns $1,000 worth of Liberty Bonds and has $500 loaned out at interest and a small treasury fund. All of this money has been made at the annual festivals.

The St. Cecilia Society has always stood for the highest musical ideals and has steadily advanced in the character and standards of all of its undertakings, so that the purpose for which it was organized has never been lost sight of.


Organized April 4, 1903. Its first meeting place was the Palmer hotel.

The charter members were J. Donald, J. F. Rourke, P. B. Trueblood, H. A. Goudrn, A. Lowry, B. V. Mathers, J. B. Waldo, J. M. Bower, Geo. Miller, Geo. Spraggins, C. V. Millard, Geo. Porter, C. J. Cunningham, M. L. Dolary, H. L. Bering, E. Ewal, B. S. Thomas, E. H. Tulley, B. L. Curry, R. P. Ranen, T. H. Michelson.

The original officers were: J. F. Rourke, president, G. W. Spraggins, vice-president, E. Ewal, secretary-treasurer. Members who have served as president are : J. F. Rourke, J. W. Smith, W. R. Gilchrist, Gienn Bell, Clyde Kelso, M. C. Alexander, R. B. Plummer. Members who have served as secretary are: E. Ewal, L. Lynn, W. R. Gilchrist, A. M. Conner, R. B. Plummer.

The Grand or head lodge of this society met in Grand Island in 1911 and 1917. The present officers are M. C. Alexander, president, R. B. Plummer, secretary-treasurer. There are 162 members.


Information by Thirza M. Doyle

Island City No. 255, Ladies' Auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen was organ ized at Grand Island by Mrs. Janette Turner, a past president, she being the first vice-grand president of the Grand Lodge which was organized at Fort Gratiot, Michigan. Mrs. Myra A. Ballinger was the first president of Island City Lodge. Chartered December 8, 1902. Charter members were : Crete B. Black burn, Emma R. Brooks, EfTie M. Ballenger, Jennie M. Carey, Daisy B. Fent, Amelia Murphy, Lucy B. Pflasterer, Grace Wilson, Clara E. Hadlock, Mae Hansen, Myra A. Ballanger, Jennie Lyman, Sylvia G. Kent, Mildred McAllister, Louise Wilson, Hannah B. Van Houser. John McAllister was the first counsel to Grand Island City lodge.

Original officers were: Past President, Mae Hansen ; President, Myra A. Ballenger; VicePresident, Daisy Kent; Secretary, Jennie Carey; Treasurer, Clara Hadlock; Con ductress, Grace Pent; Warden, Hannah Van Hausen; Chaplain, Crete Blackburn; Inner Guard, Lucy Pflaster, Outer Guard, Emma Brooks.

Present officers are: Past President, Edna Miller; President, Rena Spangenberg; vicePresident, Cora Streator; Secretary, Thirza M. Doyle; Treasurer, Luella Nelson; Chaplain, Ada Cover; Conductress, Ethel Kelly; Warden, Ora Laurin ; Outer Guard, Eva Rasraussen; Inner Guard, Mable Moeder; Musician, Margaret Le Masters; Counselor, Mr. William E. Doyle. The present treasurer and secretary have succeeded themselves in office the most number of years of any of the officers. This being our convention year the following sisters represented our lodge at convention, which met May 14, 1919, at Columbus, Ohio: Rena Spangenberg as dele gate and Thirza M. Doyle as alternate.

Our lodge has been visited by Grand Officers several times. For the last several years the auxiliary ladies have entertained the railroad men and their families at annual entertainments for the purpose of becoming better acquainted with each other. In May, 1919, at the convention it was decided by the delegates and grand officers, to have a ways and means committee, to raise funds to establish a home for the aged and disabled sisters. At this time all auxiliary lodges are interested and working for" that fund, not forgetting the railroad men's home at Highland Park, Illinois.

We now have sixty-two members.

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Cited Source:

A. F. Buechler and R. J. Barr, editors. "Fraternals and Social Organziations of Hall Cuonty: Alda and Cairo," History of Hall County Nebraska (Lincoln, NE: Western Publishing and Engraving Company, 1920): 385-388. Provided by the Prairie Pioneer Genealogical Society, Grand Island, Nebraska.


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